Top Ten Tuesday: 2024 Book Releases Part 2

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024. There are several books that I thought were coming out later this year but they either don’t have a cover yet or an actual release date, so I’m not including those in this list. These are all the ones I’m most excited that I know are coming out before the end of the year.

The Nightmare Virus by Nadine Brandes: I’m always here for new Brandes book and that cover is spectacular.

Ghostsmith by Nicki Pau Preto: I’m so excited to read this sequel!!

Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca: I love Jen’s Ren Faire romance novels, so I’m curious what she’ll do with a different type of story, especially once with ghosts.

The Enchanted Lies of Céleste Artois by Ryan Graudin: I’m stoked to read Ryan’s adult debut!

The Thirteenth Child by Erin A. Craig: I’ll pretty much read anything by Erin, even if they’re a little spooky.

Heir by Sabaa Tahir: I don’t think I would have ever predicted a new book in the Ember universe.

Witchwood by Kalyn Josephson: I am so thrilled that this middle grade series is getting a third book! They’re so fun.

Let It Glow by Marissa Meyer and Joanne Levy: I’m so excited to read a middle grade book by Marissa Meyer! Plus, that premise sounds super adorable and fun.

The Bletchley Riddle by Ruta Sepetys and Steve Sheinkin: This is also a new genre for Ruta and I’m intrigued by that premise.

Where the Library Hides by Isabel Ibañez: While I had mixed feelings about What the River Knows, I’m looking forward to reading the sequel and finding out what happens next with these characters!

What upcoming releases are you excited to read? Don’t forget to join the link-up!

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